TempDB memory leak?

I found a bug where I’m seeing TempDB use more memory than it should on multiple versions of SQL Server, especially on servers set up with common best practices. There’s a workaround that has a profound affect on server performance, adding to my belief that this is a legitimate bug and leading me to open a Connect Item on the issue.

Querying the Buffer Pool

I have a query to show me what’s in the buffer pool for the entire server, showing the expected results as well as excessive space being used by TempDB.  The newest version showing these details is on my post Querying the Buffer Pool.

It shows number of pages in the buffer pool grouped by the database, table, and index.  The query makes use of left joins so it can see space in memory that’s not currently allocated to a specific object.

The results are surprising in many ways.

The good surprises are seeing what indexes are hogging up your buffer pool so you have an idea of where to start tuning.  I’m a huge fan of this and have blogged about it in Cleaning Up the Buffer Pool to Increase PLE, although the name of my older post is misleading because it does more than just help memory management in SQL Server.

The Bug

The bad surprise was a bug which has been harassing me for quite some time now.  As I mentioned, the query will return all the space in the buffer pool, specifically the contents of sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors, and does a left join to the tables leading up to and including sys.indexes so space not currently allocated to a table will show up.  The problem is that the space that shows up as unallocated for TempDB is much larger than expected, in this case taking up 1/3 of my buffer pool.


On this post I’m talking about a single server, but the problem wasn’t limited to a single server.  It showed up at the same time, caused by the same change (implementing a common best practice), partially resolved by the same partial rollback (undoing the best practice) on SQL 2008 R2, SQL 2012, and SQL 2014.

Details About the Bug

So the query I have on yesterday’s post, Querying the Buffer Pool, showed I had unallocated space in TempDB in memory, and a lot of it.  However, it doesn’t show details.

To start looking at the details, what kind of pages are these that exist in sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors, but not in sys.allocation_units?

SELECT bd.page_type
	, MB = count(1) / 128
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors bd
	LEFT JOIN sys.allocation_units au ON bd.allocation_unit_id = au.allocation_unit_id
WHERE bd.database_id = 2 --TempDB
	AND bd.is_modified = 0 --Let's not play dirty, only clean pages
	AND au.allocation_unit_id IS NULL --It's not even allocated
GROUP BY bd.page_type 


Ok, so we’re dealing with typical data in TempDB.  Well, other than it not being allocated, of course.

So I run another query to get more details.  This time I want to look inside the pages to see if they tell a different story.

SELECT TOP 100 bd.*
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors bd
	LEFT JOIN sys.allocation_units au ON bd.allocation_unit_id = au.allocation_unit_id
WHERE bd.database_id = 2 --TempDB
	AND bd.is_modified = 0 --Let's not play dirty, only clean pages
	AND au.allocation_unit_id IS NULL --It's not even allocated


Then I follow that up with Paul Randal’s How to use DBCC PAGE, which comes with all the disclaimers about using an undocumented and unsupported trace flag and command.  This one isn’t horrible in my mind or Paul’s comments, but remember the undocumented and unsupported parts.


DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 502219	, 0)
DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 374929	, 0)
DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 69868	, 0)
DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 453687	, 0)
DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 214988	, 0)
DBCC PAGE (2, 5, 440966	, 0)


The results all looked about the same to me.


There are several important parts to me.  The m_objId is a negative value I can’t find in TempDB.sys.objects, so it WAS a temporary object that no longer exists.  Across the board, these are “NOT ALLOCATED”, “NOT CHANGED”, “NOT MIN_LOGGED”, “0_PCT_FULL”, so there’s nothing there.

To me it looks like temp objects made it into memory and remained in memory after the temporary objects were dropped.  I have no idea what objects these were or how they were dropped, but I’m imagining these were temp tables automatically dropped when the session was either closed or reset.

A Recent Change (A CLUE)

I found this by noticing that PLE for several servers was lower now than it has been in the past, so I was peeking in the buffer pool to see who was playing nice.  Going off of “when did PLE start to be lower” I noticed that I implemented a change around that time to use a common best practice.

That change was presizing TempDB data files to take up a vast majority of the dedicated LUN instead of letting them grow as needed.  It avoids waiting for file growth, especially if you’re using TDE (I’m not) and can’t use IFI (I can), but for several other reasons as well, including file fragmentation and the slight pause even IFI causes.  So at the start of all these festivities, I took the 4 TempDB data files from 100 MB each to 12 GB each, using up 48 GB of the 50 GB available.

A Workaround

Seeing this, I wanted to partially roll back the change the next opportunity I had.  100 MB was too small and I was aware that it invoked file growths every month (we reboot monthly for OS updates).  48 GB wasn’t right though, we just have that much space on the drive due to server build standards and paranoia (I’m a DBA).  So I went through our Idera Diagnostic Manager monitoring software and found the most space TempDB used, which is captured once an hour.  I found that 4.8 GB was the peak usage with several incidents of usage going over 4.5 GB.

With that information available and still not wanting an autogrowth for all the reasons listed above, I decided that all 4 files should be 1.5 GB, so 6 GB total.  That means peak usage was about 75% full, leaving plenty of room for error, especially with my baseline only being captured once an hour.  Autogrowth is set to 256 MB, so it’d add 1 GB total each growth.  I can live with that.

I can’t say it eliminated the issue because I still have 2 GB of unallocated TempDB space in cache, but it’s better than 8 GB.  It can be considered more acceptable than other issues I need to tackle right now, but it still bugs me.

What’s the Best Practice?

It’s a best practice to have TempDB data files on their own LUN, drive, array, however you want to word it.  Then it just make sense to have the total size of your data files add up to 90% or more of the drive size.  I see this advice everywhere, with these two standing out:

  • Solar Winds – Configuration Best Practices for SQL Server Tempdb–Initial Sizing
    • “Next, if you can give tempdb its own disk, then configure it to almost fill the drive. If nothing else will ever be on the drive, then you’re better off setting it to be larger than you’ll ever need. There’s no performance penalty, and you’ll never have to worry about autogrow again.”
  • Brent Ozar – SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2014 Setup Checklist
    • “Notice that I don’t have filegrowth enabled.  You want to proactively create the TempDB files at their full sizes to avoid drive fragmentation.”

Jonathan Kehayias does it a little bit differently in his post SQL Server Installation Checklist saying to add space to TempDB files in 4 GB increments.  Although he doesn’t fill the drive by default, this isn’t mentioned by him, either.

Now I need to be perfectly clear on this, I trust these three sources.  I trust Jonathan and Brent more than I trust myself with setting up SQL Server.  I also feel the same about the authors I know on the Solar Winds post.  This does not change that.

Sizing TempDB like that often means it’s much larger than you need.  The workaround I’m using is to right-size these files instead.  For me, for now, I’m going to stick with seeing how large TempDB gets and make it slightly larger than that until I have a solid answer to my problem.

What Was It?

I still don’t know.  The workaround managed to knock it off of my priority list enough where I’m not actively working on it.  However, my drive to understand SQL Server better won’t leave me alone.

This post is my solution.  I have some very intelligent people reading this who I hope will at least lead me further down the rabbit hole, even if they don’t have a conclusive answer.  There’s a good chance I’ll be asking for help on Twitter with #sqlhelp or opening a connect item on this, for which I have a very well documented description of the issue that I can link to.


2016-01-06 – Caching of Temporary Objects

Due to a comment, I started looking into the caching of temporary objects to see if this was the root cause.  The comment specifically mentioned Paul White’s (b|t) post Temporary Object Caching Explained, and I also read over Itzik Ben-Gan’s (b|t) post Caching Temporary Objects.

Both of these left me with the impression that smaller amounts of data would be left in the cache linked to temporary objects linked to the proc cache.  What I’m seeing is large amounts of data in the buffer pool that did not drop when I ran DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (on a test server that wasn’t in active use) as I expected if this was the full explanation.

While it’s very likely this is related to the issue on hand, I’m not ready to accept it as a full explanation.  If the memory associated with TempDB dropped when clearing the proc cache (on a test server) then it would have been a great explanation with a poor side effect of going too far with the memory being used.

2016-01-07 – Opened a Connect Item

I mentioned this issue on the comments of Paul White’s blog post mentioned in the last update and comments below on this post.  His response concluded with this:

So, when memory pressure is detected, I would expect memory use like this to be freed up for reuse in pretty short order, by design. If it is not, and bad things happen because memory for unallocated tempdb is not released/reused, that would be a bug.

While I was already leaning that way, it pushed me over the edge to decided it was time to open up a connect item on this issue.  I feel it’s well worth the read going to Paul’s post and the connect item.  Also, if you’re seeing this as well, an upvote on connect is very appreciated.


17 thoughts on “TempDB memory leak?

  1. Pingback: Query the Buffer Pool | Simple SQL Server

  2. I agree with the method you are using for sizing your tempDB. It’s the method I’ve been using for quite a while now. I use the same method for sizing transaction logs as well.

    Like so many things in Sql Server the best method to use always has the same answer, “It depends.”

    Great set of articles. Thank you.

  3. Thank you. This is how I do my transaction logs as well, and it works great.

    I’m actually in the middle of a project to shrink some log files. Some of them grew to crazy sizes long before my time here probably because someone ran something they shouldn’t have. For the most part, if they haven’t hit 50% of their capacity for months and they’re over 10 GB then they’re shrunk down to 75% of their peak size.

    I’m actually hoping for others to read this who went with the best practices to see how wide spread this issue is, and maybe even some details as to the cause. If it’s as common as I’m thinking, resizing TempDB to the way you do it should make a rather large difference for a lot of people.

  4. As far as heaps go, they just show up on there as index_id = 0. I’m unfortunate enough to have many vendor databases that believe clustered indexes are a last resort…

    • I read through Paul’s post as well as another by Itzik Ben-Gan, and I’m not convinced this is the right explanation. The post has been updated to reflect that, basically saying that I’d expect clearing the proc cache to reduce the memory used by TempDB if it was the full answer.

      Thank you for this comment. It really made me dive deep into the issue and, although I’m not convinced this is the full answer, I do believe that this is part of it.

  5. Great Set of posts Steve.
    I don’t think DBCC FreeProcCache has any effect on data/index pages in the buffer pool. I am pretty sure you need to use CheckPoint and then DBCC DropCleanBuffers to remove those pages.

    When I used DropCleanBuffers all of the “unallocated” Data/Index pages from user DBs were cleared from the pool and many of the tempDB data/index pages.

    The percentage problem results when Cached_MB > Used_MB (which of course includes Used_MB = 0). In my dev system it seems most of the issues in TempDB are related to some sort of system generated objects (e.g., Object_Name = #2C227DEA). Perhaps these are the residue from spills, spools, etc. and they are released on some sort of lazy garbage collection or memory pressure. Just a guess based on little knowledge:).

    Thanks for prompting expanded study on my part.

  6. DBCC DropCleanBuffers (do not use on Prod) does get rid of those pages, but it does so by getting rid of all the pages in memory.

    DBCC FreeProcCache (do not use on Prod) was being tried to test a theory. If the unallocated space in the buffer pool was related to temporary tables that were linked to an execution plan being cached, then purging the execution plan from cache should remove the unallocated space as well. If this was the case, then there may have been ways to selectively mark procedures for recompile if they got out of control on how much space they reserved in memory. It did not free up space, so we can’t use that.

    If this was cleaned up when there was memory pressure then I may be a little annoyed, but nothing more. My problem is that this space continues to grow until it’s potentially the largest thing in cache, and it never goes down significantly even when PLE drops.

    I hope I’m prompting expanded study for a lot of people. I know everything I do on this blog, especially with comments on this post, has done wonders for my level of knowledge.

  7. Have you run your test on different versions of SQL Server? I’d be curious to see if it happens on some versions but not others. If that is the case then its even more likely that its a bug.

    • Yes, I’ve seen this on 2008 R2, 2012, and 2014. Those are also the only versions I’ve checked.

      I’d love to hear everyone else’s results, especially from people who presized TempDB data files to fill the majority of a dedicated drive.

  8. Pingback: Fixing Page Life Expectancy (PLE) | Simple SQL Server

  9. Pingback: TempDB Excessive Memory Usage Example | Simple SQL Server

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